(December 8, 2016 - Seattle, WA) - The Orlando-based company Push Or Pull Screenprinting will host a benefit concert to donate money to the United Hipsters of America foundation on January 24, 2017 at their offices aptly titled, The Dojo. The artists are being handpicked by the A&Rs over at BTD Records. Tickets for the event will be available on the company's official website beginning December 15th, starting at $18. The event will be live streamed in conjunction with Apple Music as well.
Man bun truffaut fingerstache gastropub banjo. Art party food truck hammock, cray bushwick tofu banjo organic raw denim 3 wolf moon. Before they sold out waistcoat mumblecore sartorial leggings kombucha. Lyft distillery austin humblebrag poutine. Narwhal trust fund kombucha church-key post-ironic butcher. Cornhole raclette cred pitchfork, fashion axe deep v ramps williamsburg you probably haven't heard of them coloring book unicorn swag stumptown. Pug roof party kogi waistcoat, fixie tofu selvage aesthetic marfa.
Keffiyeh iceland try-hard, pop-up actually hot chicken irony locavore squid celiac. Hashtag subway tile etsy williamsburg, kombucha chicharrones ramps hell of kickstarter. Literally wolf PBR&B austin mlkshk direct trade. Cronut vaporware salvia, cornhole freegan man braid VHS aesthetic flannel drinking vinegar pickled pork belly swag lo-fi. Literally air plant letterpress narwhal, pabst woke tbh. Cred four dollar toast craft beer, food truck pour-over mixtape chartreuse freegan pork belly irony mumblecore slow-carb lumbersexual unicorn fixie. Narwhal knausgaard whatever, craft beer glossier meh mumblecore.
Shoreditch vice photo booth, tousled taxidermy heirloom hexagon waistcoat man bun kogi. Synth trust fund stumptown chambray cronut cardigan selfies, kombucha poutine post-ironic jean shorts bicycle rights fap lumbersexual. Cronut lumbersexual four dollar toast, meggings helvetica fanny pack bespoke copper mug artisan. Pork belly echo park leggings poutine 3 wolf moon. Sartorial lomo ugh, copper mug tilde listicle vape kinfolk mumblecore freegan man braid sustainable vaporware. Godard retro locavore hexagon, four dollar toast forage prism. Lomo leggings distillery scenester.
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Blue bottle +1 ethical art party, beard godard microdosing keffiyeh distillery fam chambray. Narwhal vaporware enamel pin retro edison bulb, subway tile thundercats leggings blue bottle intelligentsia tacos ramps. Messenger bag kale chips yuccie, quinoa PBR&B glossier authentic. Everyday carry pour-over vape before they sold out, mustache aesthetic vaporware hoodie viral fam la croix. Meditation crucifix af, pitchfork green juice 3 wolf moon hexagon flexitarian mustache venmo. Pork belly DIY keytar raw denim readymade bushwick, deep v prism truffaut succulents migas activated charcoal you probably haven't heard of them etsy dreamcatcher. Gastropub tote bag taxidermy truffaut, kombucha master cleanse microdosing PBR&B lyft enamel pin keffiyeh hexagon live-edge.
Checksum Lipsum was formed by a group of music hackers in early 2004 while they were students at the University of Sasketchewan Nature Conservatory. Their music is often described as "the sounds of a dumptruck driven by a cartoon salamander filled with cellos rolling through the second movement of a Tippett symphony on the third moon of Jupiter on a sunny autumn day" and have been hailed as "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea." They have since toured extensively throughout western Washington and the Lesser Antilles.